Shipping Policy

Shipping Instructions:

Our estimated delivery dates depend on various factors, including the destination address, courier transit times, and the speed at which we assemble and prepare your items for shipping. You can calculate the estimated delivery time by adding the courier transit time to the order processing time.

Typically, we require 1 to 3 business days to process orders and assemble products. After production is completed, we select different couriers, including FedEx and DHL, based on the destination address. The shipping period is approximately 4 to 5 business days. We estimate that you will receive your goods within 5 to 8 business days.

The processing time varies for different items. However, once you place an order on our website, we will do our best to prepare the goods as soon as possible.

Any changes to your order may result in delayed delivery times. The extent of the delay will depend on the nature of the changes and the additional time required to adjust the order accordingly.

Special note: Due to logistics adjustments, orders placed between January 20th and February 4th will be delivered within 14 to 25 business days.


  • Postal boxes and APO/FPO addresses may result in failed courier delivery. We recommend using detailed address information.
  • Once payment is made for an order, the items begin production assembly. After the order is shipped, you will receive a notification.
  • In most cases, packages will be delivered within the estimated arrival time. However, the actual delivery date may be affected by flight schedules, weather conditions, and other external factors. Please refer to the tracking information for the most accurate delivery date.
  • If your package has not been delivered or if your tracking information shows that your package has been delivered but you have not received it, you must contact customer service within 30 days of the order date for verification. For other order, product, and logistics-related issues, you must contact customer service within 90 days of the order date.